Friday, October 25, 2019

Genital Infections Essays -- Health, STD

Introduction Rapid laboratory detection of genital infections in pregnant women is very important, mainly because of the ability of the bacteria to colonize the endocervical lining and cause injury to the fetus (1). Epidemiologic data indicated that their presence in the genital tract has been associated with the incidence of urethritis, vaginitis, cervicitis, PID, pyelonephritis and pathology of pregnancy and newborns, and, therefore, their rapid and specific diagnosis is important (2). There are more than 30 different sexually transmissible agents. The most common bacteria are Chlamydia trachomatis (C.trachomatis). The prevalence of C. trachomatis infection in sexually active adolescent women, the population considered most at risk, generally exceeds 10%, and in some adolescent and STD clinic populations of women, the prevalence can reach 40%. Also in newborns occur as a result of prenatal exposure; approximately 65% of babies born from infected mothers become infected during vaginal delivery. Infections caused by C.trachomatis are particularly difficult to confine as a high proportion of these infections are asymptomatic thus making part of the population (those not tested) a reservoir for further transmission (3). While diseases caused by C.trachomatis have been recognized for many years the discovery of diseases associated with Mycoplasma genitalium (M.genitalium) are very recent findings. M.genitalium which was discovered in the early 1980s has recently been proven to be a significant pathogen similar to C.trachomatis in several respects, such as preference to the genital tract and mode of transmission. A few studies have reported on M.genitalium in PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) and TFI (Tubal Factor Infertility) and... only one sampling and one test, has proven to be a simple and rapid method for the detection of C.trachomatis and M.genitalium which is clinically very significant, particularly in management of pregnant women as a high risk groups in country. We therefore recommend that this duplex PCR assay may be used instead of conventional methods like as bacterial culture and serology for rapid and high sensitive diagnosis of genital bacterial in clinical sample. Finally our findings revealed that in Sabzevar (East region) compared with other studies done in north, center and south of Iran, infection with C.trachomatis is higher than other area and should be considered in national preventive planning for screening and treatment in response to strategic plan of Eastern Medit erranean Region of World Health Organization (EMRWHO) 2009-2015 (28).

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